Jan 22, 2025
REHEARSAL CANCELLED TODAY! After a full weekend for many of you and our MLK Jr Day performance, we encourage you to take this evening to enjoy some downtime and we’ll pick back up on rehearsals next week (1/29).
Please allow me to take a moment to say how proud I am of this choir and community! We showed up ready and truly gave an inspirational performance, from beginning to end, including powerful speaking by Camille, fabulous solos by Aaliyah, Devin and Naomi, and an incredible display of courage from Amaré and Makhai who performed with us for the very first time. Thank you caregivers and volunteers for all the behind-the-scenes work you do to keep me sane and make sure our young people are supported in every way. REST UP today! It’s well deserved!

BHM “Learn Together, Serve Together” Experience
Saturday, February 15th at 10:00 AM
Lifted! Spring Concert
Saturday, April 5th at 1:00 PM
John Knox Presbyterian Church