Latest News
Dec 10, 2024
¡Levantado! ¡Fiesta navideña mañana! 🎄🌟❄️
¡Hola familia Lifted!
¡GUAU! ¡Todavía estoy llena de ALEGRÍA después del concierto del domingo! ¡Sin duda es uno de mis conciertos favoritos de TODOS! ¡Estoy muy orgullosa de cada uno de ustedes y de la forma en que nos mostramos como comunidad para compartir esperanza y luz! ¡Se conmovieron los corazones y las almas definitivamente se "elevaron"!
Dec 4, 2024
Ensayo general del sábado + Detalles del concierto del domingo
Hey Lifted! Family -
Can you believe our Christmas concert is this week!?! It feels like the season just started, yet here we are and I’m SO excited! To all those who were a little nervous, our young people sound AMAZING and they worked so hard at yesterday’s rehearsal. I couldn’t be more proud. I’m looking forward to our full dress rehearsal on Saturday!
Nov 5, 2024
Thanksgiving Break Week + Christmas Concert Volunteers Needed
Hey Lifted! Family -
What a week! Hopefully the power is back on for those of you who lost it and life is getting back to normal. I am thankful that we were able to rehearse on Wednesday to fine tune the songs for Christmas. There are only two weeks to go before our concert, so now is the time for extra practice using the Spotify playlist...
Nov 14, 2024
¡Concierto de GTAM mañana! + Confirmación de asistencia e información para el concierto de Navidad
Hey Lifted! Family -
I continue to be grateful for the JOY that this choir brings to my life! It’s so needed in this season. You all are a beautiful image of hope and light. Thank you for continuing to show up and show love! I’m looking forward to sharing in song together tomorrow...
Nov 8, 2024
Workshop Tomorrow! + Upcoming Concert Details + Getting Involved
¡Hola, familia Lifted!
¡Uf! ¡Qué semana! Ojalá tuviera todas las palabras en este momento para compartir lo más profundo de mi corazón (no las tengo, pero agradezco el recordatorio de Black Liturgies de que está bien que ahora, en esta época, simplemente exista). En lugar de las mejores palabras, tengo gratitud...
Nov 1, 2024
Cambio de fecha del taller + Reunión con cuidadores + Detalles de la presentación del GTAM
¡Hola Lifted! Familia: ¡
Es genial estar en casa! Me lo pasé genial explorando Corea del Sur, viajando de Seúl a Busan y de regreso, aprendiendo sobre la cultura, disfrutando de la comida y, sobre todo, visitando a nuestra hija Lynia. ¡La ciudad de Seúl me recuerda a una Nueva York más animada y concurrida!
—> Aquí hay algunas actualizaciones MUY importantes que debes tener en cuenta:
Oct 12, 2024
Crystal Vacation & Rehearsal Update
We have had an amazing couple of weeks! Our kids are absolutely crushing it at rehearsals learning the Christmas material, and the Small Ensemble is wrapping up their work with the Seattle Opera’s Jubilee opening with their final performance tonight at McCaw Hall. It feels amazing to be out in the community sharing the Lifted! joy and spirit.
Sep 21, 2024
Lifted! Weekly Update & Member Access
Our rehearsals and workshops are in full swing, and we are making great progress on learning all of our new material!
We’ve completely revamped the Members Only Area of our website with all of this season’s information, including calendars, playlists, lyrics, and other resources. Make sure to check it out to see what’s new.
Aug 12, 2024
GET READY! Lifted's New Season Begins Sept. 7th!
Registrations are now open for the 2024-25 Lifted! Season. We already have a full calendar full of exciting opportunities and concerts. Register using the button below and make sure to pass the word! Our first workshop of the season is Saturday, September 7th from 1- 4 PM and all young people, ages 7-18, are invited to participate. Our first Wednesday practice begins on September 11th at 4:30 PM. Sign up and show up! We’re excited to be back together.